5/5/16 - Paolo Presta & David Millbern

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The magic words this week are “authenticity” and “passion.” Let this week’s guests show you how to use them!

First up, we’re delighted to welcome Paolo Presta to share his incredible tale of groceries, Oprah and Will and Grace. If you have never checked out his show A Spoonful of Paolo: YOU MUST. It is a pure delight and you will see how authenticity truly abounds. Love. Him.

4/28/16 - JD Disalvatore

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How are you using your voice to make a difference? Where is the meaning in the process? Well, look no further because this week’s episode presents to you a shining example of purpose and intention.

4/21/16 - Justin Lee & Fiorious

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Question: What do gay Christians and dance music have in common?
Answer: This week’s episode of This Show is So Gay!

4/14/16 - Cathy Renna & Jeffrey Roach

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Words have power. And this week we’re featuring two guests who are using their words in two very different, but powerful, ways.

First up, PR/communications guru Cathy Renna joins us for a triumphant 7th (!) appearance on our show. This time around, we talk all about her incredible relationship to Matthew Shepard’s family, the similarities between her work and teaching and the push/pull between grassroots and national movements. And, she’s getting a new cat.

4/7/16 - Ginni Saraswati & E. Jaguar Beckford

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Two different guests, connected, but doing such different (AND AMAZING) things to use their voice to make a difference.

First up, we welcome radio and tv personality Ginni Saraswati, who brings to us an unmatched amount of entertainment and effervescence. We cover everything from the start her radio career to the start of her event/entertainment company to Ken’s start of his complete obsession with Ginni. So much fun!

3/31/16 - Carnie Wilson

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The dream is not only still alive. But it has come true. For Ken. On this week’s episode!

3/24/16 - NC and KS and GA, Oh My!

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Sometimes, technology is out to get us. But will we be defeated? No we won’t!

Some unexpectedness caused us to push our Carnie Wilson interview until next week, but there was still so much news to cover in the world, so here we are with (some) new content. To start out, Ken walks us through North Carolina, Georgia and Kansas, which are all doing their darndest to flat. out. discriminate. Listeners, you MUST use your voice to decry the heinous pieces of legislation that have been both proposed and passed.

3/17/16 - Kerry Eleveld

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There are so many ways to make a difference in this world and this week we’re honed in on the inestimable power of the pen.

3/10/16 - Kathryn Hamm

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What’s that ringing you hear? Why I do believe it is wedding bells! So let’s celebrate!

3/3/16 - Nathan Lee Graham

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Remember that time you found yourself in Sophia Loren’s bosom? Of course you don’t! Because you’re not this episode’s guest!

2/25/16 - Robert Hebert & Brynn Tannehill

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Whether you are putting incredible content on the screen or using your pen to incite action, you MUST use your voice. This week’s guests show us how it’s done.

2/18/16 - Jake Graf & Liz Margolies

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There are so many different ways to use your talents. This week’s episode features two amazing options.

First up, the incredibly talented actor/director/writer Jake Graf calls in all the way from England to charm us with tales of creating short films, being featured in The Danish Girl, highlighting trans voices and making sure that no title is longer than one word.

2/11/16 - Noah Michelson

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What’s in a name? That which we call a gay by any other name, would they smell as sweet? Well, heck yeah!

2/4/16 - Jamie Pierce

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If you need a listening experience that name-checks the whole gamut of pop culture, look no further than this week’s episode!

1/28/16 - Richard Carlbom & Cindy Rizzo

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Why draw inspiration from one guest when we can provide you with TWO guests?!? This week’s episode is most certainly a jam-packed one.

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